Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Ryan Part 1

My mind is a disaster.  I cannot sleep.  I have never felt so much pain.  I see him everywhere I look.  I feel him sitting on my porch or lying on the couch watching me.  I know that it is only the shame and fear and guilt that are working their way out of my skin, but I find it very hard to breathe.  I feel like I am dying a slow death of grief on the inside.  I look in the mirror at myself and I see me looking back, only this girl has a vacancy in her eyes that only comes from a huge and gaping hole in her heart. 
I can hardly bear the pain, but then I remember the love.  I remember what it was like for him to hold me in his arms and tell me how much he loved me.  I can still hear his voice saying, “I love you Sis.”  I still remember dancing and singing and celebrating life every day, and I am having such a hard time understanding why that is not possible anymore.  This is insane.  There is no way that my little brother is dead.  There is no way that he really hurt himself so he cannot be with us anymore.  There is no way his soul has departed from mine.  Only it has. 
It hurts so badly because our souls are made of the same thing.  There is so much light and love inside of us, but there are also dark places, demons, and sadness.  We have suffered loss unimaginable to most, and still we try to keep moving every day.  Or we did, but he gave up the fight and I cannot understand why.  We are people of action.  We do the damn thing every single day.  We do not give up.
I am so very angry at him, but then I feel guilty for being angry because stupid anger is what got me into this horrible mess in the first place.  I was angry with him because I thought he was really making stupid decisions, and I was not speaking with him.  I feel like holding my love hostage could be a part of his sorrow that was so great that he did this to himself.  How alone he must have felt to have done this.  I am older.  I am braver and much stronger.  I should have been the bigger person and just gotten over myself, but I was an idiot.  I will pay this price every day for the rest of my life, and that is almost an unbearable thought.  Anger, envy, malice, and jealousy are sinful because they are things that one cannot get back.  I do not have the option to hold my little brother and tell him how much I love him because he is dead, and there is no coming back from that.
I can cry, lay awake, howl at the moon, and be so sad that I feel myself coming apart at a molecular level but none of that will do any good because he will never come back.  I have made yet another mistake with regret in my life.  I thought I had learned this lesson with my birth mother a few years.  I spent my entire life mad at her, and never gave her a chance to apologize.  She died and I was not sad about her demise.  I was terribly sad that I did not give her a chance to explain her side of the story. 

Family is everything and we come in all different shapes and sizes.  Some of my friends I love just as much as my family, if not even more.  But those people that we love and choose to be our family are the most important things in life.  There is never a reason good enough not to love them with everything we have, because we never know if we will get another chance to tell them that we love them or give them a hug.  My crazy thoughts for today…..  KB


  1. Sweet lady. Get it out. Vent it out. The anger is normal. I was made at Tim for not letting me take him to the we the night before. Mad at him for leaving me when we finally figured things out. Made at him for not getting things finalized so I was helped. Then I felt like such a bitch for being mad at him. Now, I miss him every day, every minute. I have time periods when I function close to normal and others I just can't function at all. He loves you as you love him. Siblings argue and fight, it's normal. Know in your heart, that love is never ever gone.

  2. Sweet lady. Get it out. Vent it out. The anger is normal. I was made at Tim for not letting me take him to the we the night before. Mad at him for leaving me when we finally figured things out. Made at him for not getting things finalized so I was helped. Then I felt like such a bitch for being mad at him. Now, I miss him every day, every minute. I have time periods when I function close to normal and others I just can't function at all. He loves you as you love him. Siblings argue and fight, it's normal. Know in your heart, that love is never ever gone.

  3. Sweet Sweet Friend, you know I have learned although it took years!! You can't blame yourself. I blamed myself for years thinking if I had just stayed home & hung out there like Sasha had suggested then they never would've had the wreck, she would still be here, my sister would not still be suffering & almost died 15yrs later! Then I felt the guilt of not being there for Elizabeth enough, would the last several years have been different if I had been there instead of shutting her out & being angry! I was SO ANGRY & SAD! I was grieving, for so many years! I truly let it all devistate my life for years. I begged & pleaded with God to give me an answer how to deal or just take me away from the pain that I felt I could no longer endure. I offered my soul for hers. By the GRACE OF GOD as you know, I finally got my sissy back but we are still working on so much. However, none of this was the answer to the problem and still your situation is different. You loved Ryan and he knew that & you knew that he loved you right up to the last minute! No siblings are perfect but you two have beautiful memories together. I only met him s couple of times but it was obvious how much he LOVED you! You will never get over this, that's a fact. But thank God for the love you two shared and make him and a favorite memory of him your happy place in your mind. Eventually you will be able to go there and smile & just laugh. I do it with Dawson & Sasha all the time. They are gone way to soon and we will never understand why & it will never make sense but it is real, remember.. You have friends here to help you get through it. Im glad you did this blog! Don't ever hold it in! You know that's the worst thing you can do! I love you KB & I'm ALWAYS HERE! ��
