Thursday, February 5, 2015

Antibiotics Cure Viruses?

I was discussing with a colleague of mine a few days ago an article that he read on the internet.  The article claimed that 60% of Americans surveyed believe that antibiotics kill viruses.  Now, for the sake of argument, we are going to assume that this is a reliable internet source and this information is accurate.

SERIOUSLY PEOPLE??? Antibiotics do not cure viruses.  Nothing cures viruses (yet).  Did you hear about the cure for the common cold?  No you did not, because there is not one!  I bring this up because this is yet another example of people being sheep.
Sheep follow the herd, without stopping to think on their own behalf.  Stop being sheep people!
I have always claimed to be a Republican because I believe in a small government.  Survival of the fittest, I say.  Everyone can make their on way, no matter their origin in life.  I am living proof of this ideal. 
Reading this article, however, makes me very glad that there is the FDA to implement the regulation requiring a prescription for Americans to get antibiotics.    
But there is a deeper problem at work here.  There is a huge chasm between the educated and uneducated in this country.  I am going to leave economic classes out of this all together.  It's simply a decision of each person whether they choose to become educated and know more than what their momma said was the right thing.
There is no excuse for deciding to stay in the masses of the uneducated, except for that Jerry Springer mentality that some have that I dislike so much.  Read a book.  Go see a play.  Get your asses off the couch and go help someone.  You may find that in doing so, you learn something.

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